My Helpful Wedding Tips

This is just a bunch of random, and hopefully helpful, ideas I had either pre-wedding or post, that I wish I would have known! (and it is always growing, so check back!)

Try on ALL different styles of wedding dresses!!  I had looked around for a while and thought I found the dress, or at least the style (the first one I tried on).  I was ready to buy it and leave.  Well my SIL's said I need to at least try some other things on.  This was great because I got to see details I liked and led to my actual dress that I LOVE!!

Plan to have everything done the night before!  And if everything won't be... decide what HAS to get done, and what you can cut out.  On the day of your wedding you should be DONE planning.  This really goes a long way to make your day enjoyable.

Now I helped set up and decorate, but all TASKS were done, and I really wanted to be a part of it.

I know everyone says it, but try to slow down and take all parts of the day in.  My hubby and I tried to get to a corner here or there and just look around for a minute to take it all in.  We also had a sweetheart table that was raised a little bit.  This was a nice personal way to take in the reception.  I wasn't sure about it, but I am glad we did... you still spend plenty of time socializing!

Okay, they can be overwhelming, but you can get amazing deals or at least get referrals and ideas.  Each bridal show I went to led to something great!  Most of them are free and you get free stuff!  I went to probably 6?!?

If you feel a little nervous about an idea you have for the wedding... TRY IT OUT!  I wanted to do so many DIY projects and had some good ideas from other knotties.  Some worked well... and some didn't.  But I was glad I knew ahead of time.

PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE... and sometimes a money saver!
You don't always have to rush a decision.  I know this is probably a wedding faux pa, but if you have time you can get better deals by holding off.  Also, shop around and compare prices.  Don't be afraid to tell a vendor what someone else is willing to offer!  Most of you would freak out if you knew how long I held off on some stuff... like flowers until 2 weeks before!!!  But I don't feel like I was missing anything at my wedding and the budget was GREAT!!